Many important questions raised, very few satisfactory answers given.
Here is a summary of some of the exchanges that took place between questioners from the floor and the Powers That Be.
Note, that while these exchanges were not made-up we were unable to afford the services of a professional stenographer. Therefore we are forced to rely on our memories and on notes taken by various members of the audience. Questions and answers are paraphrased to the best of our recollection and are not intended to be verbatim quotes. If anyone would challenge the nature of a given exchange we will be happy to re-edit this content to more accurately reflect the words that were spoken. If anyone from the audience asked other questions that were not satisfactorily answered, please let us know.
Regarding the question of how the old Audubon Golf Course compared to other golf courses in terms of safety issues.
How many people were hit by golf balls at Audubon Park in the past 20 years?
About 100: roughly 75 were golfers and 25 were non-golfers.
How do those figures compare to the average golf course?
Despite the fact that the Institute is basing much of the justification for this entire project on considerations of safety, they have produced no figures to support their claims that Audubon Golf Course was a particularly unsafe facility.
Regarding the public support for the Audubon Nature Institute's plan as illustrated by its' 3000 signature petition
How many people work for the Audubon Institute?
3001 (accompanied by uncomfortable smile)
According to informed sources, the A.N.I petition was garnered by asking employees collecting their paychecks to sign. Whilst many employees of the Institute are not particularly concerned about the plan one way or the other, they do know which side their bread is buttered...
In contrast the 1300 signature petition was collected through this website and by distribution within the community, and represents a genuine cross-section of community opinion.
Regarding the construction of the new swimming pool, intending to illustrate the public-spiritedness of the Audubon Institute
Does anybody here remember when they last saw the pool open
The Institute was forced to construct a new public pool after demolishing the old one. Their original intention was to build a grand entranceway to the zoo on this site. Thwarted by public opposition they have retaliated by ensuring that the unwanted pool is almost permanently closed.