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Of Parks and Parking

SaveAudubonPark receives a little Public Input of its own.

The following is an edited transcript of correspondence received from one local resident who thinks we are clearly wrong on all the issues, from public input to public parking.

October 3, 2001 - greedy lawyers and intrusive walkers

A letter about various golf course issues. This one was rather long and has been edited down for this page, you can see the Full text here.

If your organization actually manages to stop construction of the new golf course @ Audubon Park, it will be another great victory for the attorneys of this city, and another big defeat for The people of New Orleans.

In my opinion, the only loss to the public by these badly needed improvements is the loss of the Hurst Walkway. This walkway should have been removed many years ago. The main problem with putting any public walkway through any part of Audubon Golf Course is that some of the "non-golfing" public will not remain on the walkway, they like to "wander". I have seen thousands of tourist and locals alike, walking through the marked fairways of the old golf course after gaining access from this walkway. They did this without paying a required Greens Fee, and were completely oblivious to the danger they were putting themselves into from flying golf balls. These constant intrusions from these walkers were very disruptive to the people who were trying to play a round of golf. It was this access to the golf course from the Hurst Walkway, along with some of the "non-golfing" public's lack of respect or understanding for the game of golf(emphasis added), which caused these disruptive intrusions.

November 16, 2001 - Public Input

In response to our unsuccessful lawsuit to force a public hearing on the demolition of the Heymann Conservatory

Thank you for wasting  the Audubon Institutes money and time on a legal defense, and our tax dollars on court costs  for the frivolous lawsuit brought on by your "pro-bono" attorneys.  I was wondering when your one sided and closed minded organization would try to use the courts to stop or slow down the construction of the Audubon Golf Course.  I sure you will try again soon.
    I was also wondering if your organization could help me to preserve another Historic Landmark in my own neighborhood.  It is a Historic Pothole on the 900 block of General Taylor Street.  I believe it was donated to the City by the General Motors Corporation about 5 years ago.  The City is planing on filling this in soon, WITH OUT EVEN A PUBLIC HEARING!!!!
This pothole is very architecturally significant, as it has many of the same design elements found in the Historic Heymann Memorial Conservatory at Audubon Park............Lots of Rubble and broken glass.

Most of us in the neighborhood have become very attached to this pothole, and a "vast" majority of us want to keep it just the way it is.   Some of us also believe that the decision to ruin this important structure may have come during  a closed door meeting involving Ron Forman and a man named "Steve".

    We were thinking about starting a "grass-roots" organization similar to yours, do you have any suggestions? or should we just start getting signatures before the city destroys another Historic Landmark?   Please HELP.

October, 2002 - Not enough parking?

A ding-dong battle over parking on the North side of Magazine St. Apparently there is parking congestion over there now (who could have predicted that?) - of course its our fault for campaigning to keep new parking to a minimum. It is not apparently ANI's fault for moving the clubhouse and parking from Walnut St to the already congested Magazine St entrance...

October 22

I was just at the newly renovated Audubon Park Golf Course and it is absolutely beautiful, but it has been built with inadequate public parking.  The rest of the non golfing public is now forced to compete for what  few spaces remain .   I suggest you change your organization to "Pave Audubon" and see if we can't get the public what is now desperately needed.
We replied
I am afraid you have us confused with some other organization. We have been fighting to keep the amount of parking within Audubon Park down, so we are not able to help you. I think you probably meant to contact Ron Forman and his friend "Steve", they will be happy to oblige you I am sure...
October 22
Is your organization opposed to any additional parking within Audubon Park?
We replied
Not necessarily, we dont have a position on any future theoretical developments.

But we did oppose increasing golf course parking from around 50 (on the old Walnut St site), to 100 on the Magazine St site as it was not justified by projections about golf-course usage.I think in the end, the number of new spaces was somewhere between those two numbers.

October 23
I seems to me we are now faced with this problem because of your groups opposition to adequate parking for the new golf course.  Is your organization now willing to help fix a problem it has directly caused?  Or will it take a park user being killed crossing Magazine Street for your organization to take action?  
Please help us get more golf course parking, so that everybody may enjoy Audubon Park.
We replied
I must disagree, Andrew, and remind you that we did predict this problem and consider it to be one caused exclusively by the Audubon Institute's insistence on putting the clubhouse on the north (St. Charles) side of Magazine Street rather than the south (zoo) side (which already had ample parking), with a traffic light at the subsequent Magazine St. golf cart crossing. Had that been done, all of these "problems" you cite would have been moot, and regular park-users would not have been inconvenienced even one iota. A short-term fix could be to allow only park-users and not golfers to park in the new lot, with golfers directed to park across Magazine St.? After all, there are many, many, many fewer golfers than there are general park-users. Perhaps you could suggest this to the Audubon Institute.

Perhaps you should also consider forming a new organization to address this problem. Your earlier suggestion of "" would be a lovely and appropriate name, and I'm sure the Audubon Institute would support your goals with gusto.

Good Luck!

October 30
After speaking with many Audubon Park users, and listing to your illogical arguments, I have decided that your organization is nothing but a joke.   I can assure you that most within my uptown community feel the same way.  In fact we now can use it as an example of what is wrong with New Orleans; people afraid of change.
p.s.The new Golf Course is fantastic for all Park users, too bad it is causing so many parking problems.............thanks.

Our thanks to Andrew Brott for taking part in this discussion and for so vocally supporting the cause of parking in Audubon Park.

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